Rat and Mouse Control
Rat inspecting a newly placed bait station
Rats and mice are one of the most economically damaging pests in the United States. They invade and destroy buildings, structures, utilities, equipment, and food storage and production locations. They are also major disease vectors for many severe and potentially fatal diseases, including hantavirus, bubonic plague, leptospirosis, tularemia, salmonella, rat bite fever, monkeypox, and lymphocytic choriomeningitis.
Animal Damage Management provides multiple control options for rats. We can use rodenticide baits (loose or inside of bait stations), live or kill traps, and we can exclude them from your structure using a variety of exclusion methods. We also offer focal removal of infected insulation, or removal of insulation from the entire structure. Afterwards we spray the space with an anti-bacteria/anti-viral substance to reduce pathogens in the area. Our prices will differ depending on the amount of activity in the area, the number of access points into the structure, and the size of the area to be controlled. We guarantee all rat and mice work we perform. Please call us so we can setup an appointment for you to meet with one of our fully trained technicians or supervisors.